Applying optimization thickness results to FE model
Dear all,
I am running an Optistruct gauge optimization subject to stress and buckling constraints. After running the optimization I want to apply the thickness results to the FE model, however somehow this is not working.
I am using:
simulation = DESIGN [8] (the final design iteration)
data type = Element thickness
elements > all OR comps > (components used)
However when I press apply, the thicknesses of the elements do not change. I am able to apply the nodal displacement results for the different linear static and buckling modes, just not the design output. It is of course possible to do this manually by changing the properties, however for larger models this becomes cumbersome.
Many thanks in advance,
The issue has been resolved with help from the Altair helpdesk. The thickness results can be applied using Import>solver deck, and selecting the .prop file created by Optistruct. Setting the options to Assign props: on element and selecting FE overwrite will change the properties in the model.