Mapping different results of forming to crash analysis
I'm a new user. I'm interested to study the effect of different forming results into crash analysis. From what I have studied, I know that Hypercrash is capable to perform mapping process. Therefore, I did performed a mapping process onto my model and run it using radioss explicit solver. Unfortunately, when I tried to conduct a mapping process for different results of forming results (Thickness, plastic strain, etc), my model failed to run and show 1 error (The error displayed as shown in image attached below). I don't know how to solve the error. If possible may I know why this error occurred and what is the solution?
Thank you.
Could you share us input deck & out file of the run?In which solver you carried forming ?
Rahul R
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Thank you for replying my questions. Here I attached my input deck & out file of the run as per request.
For your information, I performed a forming process using Hyperform and then mapped the results into my crash model. I use Radioss explicit solver (Radioss STA to carried forming results)
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I was working through the tutorial (HF-5000) of result mapping in Hypercrash. I now want to perform static analysis on the mapped results obtained from Hypercrash. I tried to export the mapping results to optistruct but Hypercrash gives an error and ends the program. I was able to export the results to a .rad file but how do I perform static analysis in radioss?
Another problem I am facing is after mapping the stamping results, how will I be sure before doing the static analysis that the residual stresses generated from the stamping analysis are present in the part?
Is there a way of doing static analysis on a part that has been stamped and its results mapped?
Thank-you in advance for the help!
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You cannot run OptiStruct with mapped results. Implicit codes will show error when they are mapped results in the initial cycle.
You can either map the results by include file or directly you can input the results. Cross check this by opening the exported deck file (_0000.rad) in Textpad and search for the include file.
If not as an include file, then search for the initial states in the deck file in Textpad.
You can try doing this static analysis in RADIOSS using the implicit cards. We have examples and documentation on RADIOSS implicit run in Help, please go thorough it.
But I doubt whether the results will converge for an implicit case.
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Hi George,
Thankyou for your reply. The (_0000.rad) file that I exported from hypercrash after mapping the stamping results, does not contain the initial states as can be seen in the image above. The initial states are actually present in another .sta file. Now if I want to import the .sta file as an include file in Optistruct, how can I do that?
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Hi George,
I understand that static analysis in Radioss for an implicit case may not converge. So can I interface with Abaqus software to perform the static analysis? Assuming that I have exported deck file (_0000.rad, _0001.rad, .sta) from Hypercrash, how I can import it into Abaqus retaining the residual stresses from stamping?
Thank you in advance for your reply!
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As mentioned earlier OptiStruct will not run with the initial states. I think you can only map the thickness, but not initial stress/strain results.
Can you please explain more on the analysis you are trying to perform after mapping so that we can guide you to do the same in RADIOSS.
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Hi George,
Thank you for your reply. So as I have already mentioned I want to use the results (residual stresses) obtained from forming analysis and set up a static linear analysis on the stamped part. I am attaching below a .fem file. I want to perform such or similar linear static analysis but the most important part is I want to include the stamping residual stresses and strains. Could you kindly guide me on how to perform this analysis in radioss?
Thank-you in advance for your reply!
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In this model only a pressure load is there. And the same you can do in RADIOSS.
Create a surface set or contact surface over which the load is to be applied. Choose the load type as Pressure Load from BCs Manager and create a Pressure vs Time curve (this curve defines the time in which the load is ramped in the model).
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Hi George,
Thank you for your guidance. I could do the same model in radioss and could map the initial stresses as well!/emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20' />
Thanks again,
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I was curious to know if I can run Result Mapper tool from Hypercrash in Batch mode? If yes, how can it be done? Kindly provide guidance on this.
Thank-you for your help!