Stress-dependent and Temperature-dependent Material Definition

I nedd to help in two issues:
Type Material : MAT1
1. Stress-dependent and Temperature-dependent Material Definition MATS1
Temperature-dependent material properties will be ignored. Use TEMPERATURE(MATERIAL) in subcase section to specify material temperature set ID. '
Hi Fer CM,
1) I will check and let you know if there is about your requirement
2) Goto Analysis>> Global case control>> and add TEMP>>Temperature(Material)
Please refer to help for more information about TEMPERATURE(MATERIAL).
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Fer CM,
It is no possible to see intermediate results for now.
regarding the results, for Temperature T1 the solver follows the TID1 curve and for T2 solver follows TID2 curve for analysis.
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Hi Prakash:
Thanks for you advices, , I know that the Temperature T1 the solver follows the TID1 curve and for T2 solver follows TID2 curve for analysis, but my specify question is:
The initial conditions of TID2 curve ¿Are there the final conditions of curve TID1? the information found for Strain and stress of curve TDI1 add to curve TID2 and the final result is a representation of the combinations of this like a sumary to load steps
TDI1 Results + TDI2 Results = Final Results (Strain, stress, displ. ...)
And in my other cuestión I did a TEMP load case and the same message appears ,
If I create a TEMP load subcase in a Global control case, Only allows me intoduce one temperatura value , I need know the behavior for my model for diferent temperatures. The value properties are E1,nu1,rho1,A1 for T1 and E2,nu2,rho2,A2 for T2 , like a TID1 and TID2 curves. I dont need to know the values per separate cases I need to know the effects of all consecutive steps or states.
Thanks in advance
Fer CM0