Hyperworks Solver View is completly empty

I am a student and still new to the program. I am currently working on the C-Clip Tutorial and when trying to use Optistruct, the Solver View is completely empty. All the panels are empty and the summary only reads ' ===Job complete=== ', nothing else. And when I try to use HyperView next, I don't see anything either, it is empty, too. Panels such as the folder directory for the model and results are empty and I can't manage to open the files manually either.
I will add an screenshot of the Solver View.
Please note: I am using a PC which doesn't save the data locally, but on a server, which can be accessed from various PCs in the university's laboratory.
Hi, Please post the output file here so we can see the errors, go to view>output file
If you have closed the solver already, just locate the .OUT file in the save location
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Altair Forum User said:
trying to use Optistruct, the Solver View is completely empty
Can you check whether the OptiStruct is installed on your machine?
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Are you using Student Edition of HyperWorks?
What is the Operating system you are using?
Can you check if there are files written?
Please, Delete the setting files and try again:
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Thank you, I have delete the setting files and every thing is ok!