slurm job array

Prabin Pradhananga_22497
Prabin Pradhananga_22497 Altair Community Member
edited 2023 29 in Community Q&A


I want to run an acusolve problem 4 times with same geometry, ic, bc, etc. except the inlet velocity=1,2,3,4 m/s. I want to use slurm job array for the same. Do you think I need to create separate directories for each problem? I will manually modify the input files. Do you think it would conflict the solution and log files?



Best Answer

  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 29 Answer ✓

    If you intend to keep the same problem name, the runs could all be in the same directory, but I would run each consecutively - not concurrently.  (The runtime/solution files might be all separated by run number - so maybe even concurrently would be OK in the same directory.  Maybe test that first.)  The solution files would then be separated by run number under the same problem name.

    If you want to run them concurrently you could run with different directories - but you could also run within the same directory via:

    Specify a different problem name for each run and specify the relevant input file for that run

    acuRun  -pb  <problem_name>  -inp  <input_file_name>  ...


  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 29 Answer ✓

    If you intend to keep the same problem name, the runs could all be in the same directory, but I would run each consecutively - not concurrently.  (The runtime/solution files might be all separated by run number - so maybe even concurrently would be OK in the same directory.  Maybe test that first.)  The solution files would then be separated by run number under the same problem name.

    If you want to run them concurrently you could run with different directories - but you could also run within the same directory via:

    Specify a different problem name for each run and specify the relevant input file for that run

    acuRun  -pb  <problem_name>  -inp  <input_file_name>  ...

  • Prabin Pradhananga_22497
    Prabin Pradhananga_22497 Altair Community Member
    edited 2023 29

    If you intend to keep the same problem name, the runs could all be in the same directory, but I would run each consecutively - not concurrently.  (The runtime/solution files might be all separated by run number - so maybe even concurrently would be OK in the same directory.  Maybe test that first.)  The solution files would then be separated by run number under the same problem name.

    If you want to run them concurrently you could run with different directories - but you could also run within the same directory via:

    Specify a different problem name for each run and specify the relevant input file for that run

    acuRun  -pb  <problem_name>  -inp  <input_file_name>  ...

    Thank you.