acusolve configuration file and pdir

Prabin Pradhananga_22497
Prabin Pradhananga_22497 Altair Community Member
edited December 2022 in Community Q&A

Hi guys,

I have two simulations. Second simulation folder is inside the first folder.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FIRST %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

I have a configuration file, Acusim.cnf with

Location: /home/user/simulation

# date = Fri Nov 4 13:33:04 2022
problem = test
problem_directory = /home/user/simulation
working_directory = ACUSIM.DIR
process_modules = all
input_file = _auto
message_passing_type = impi
num_processors = 24


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% SECOND %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

Location: /home/user/simulation/inside

# date = Fri Nov 4 13:33:04 2022
problem = test
problem_directory = /home/user/simulation/
working_directory = ACUSIM.DIR
process_modules = all
input_file = _auto
message_passing_type = impi
num_processors = 24

But I call acusolve from terminal with command: acuRun -pdir /home/user/simulation/inside


I mean the two problems have same configuration file. Except that i call first problem with terminal command acuRun -pdir /home/user/simulation and second problem with terminal command  acuRun -pdir /home/user/simulation/inside.

Are these simulations solving same problem or different problem? Does specifying flag -pdir -np in acuRun terminal command neglect/override what is written in the configuration file?



Best Answer

  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2022 Answer ✓

    The command-line takes precedence over the Acusim.cnf file.  When in doubt:

    acuRun -pdir /home/user/simulation/inside -h

    will give all the options for acuRun, including where it's getting the information (command-line, Acusim.cnf, default, etc)


  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2022 Answer ✓

    The command-line takes precedence over the Acusim.cnf file.  When in doubt:

    acuRun -pdir /home/user/simulation/inside -h

    will give all the options for acuRun, including where it's getting the information (command-line, Acusim.cnf, default, etc)

  • Prabin Pradhananga_22497
    Prabin Pradhananga_22497 Altair Community Member
    edited December 2022

    The command-line takes precedence over the Acusim.cnf file.  When in doubt:

    acuRun -pdir /home/user/simulation/inside -h

    will give all the options for acuRun, including where it's getting the information (command-line, Acusim.cnf, default, etc)

    Thanks! This is really helpful!

  • Prabin Pradhananga_22497
    Prabin Pradhananga_22497 Altair Community Member
    edited December 2022

    If i want to run simulation in second folder (which is inside the first folder) from the first folder, I use acuRun -pdir /home/user/simulation/inside.

    But the first folder already contains acusim.cnf file. Which simulation is it running? Which geometry file, mesh.dir are being used? The one in first folder or the second one?

  • acupro
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2022

    If i want to run simulation in second folder (which is inside the first folder) from the first folder, I use acuRun -pdir /home/user/simulation/inside.

    But the first folder already contains acusim.cnf file. Which simulation is it running? Which geometry file, mesh.dir are being used? The one in first folder or the second one?

    This is the link to the AcuRun program - with some explanation of options.

    You have problem directory (likely where the .inp and MESH.DIR reside) and working directory (where runtime and results files reside).  You want to pay attention to both when working with/from/to embedded directories.

    My suggestion would be to make some noticeable differences in the input files, and test the response.

    At the bottom of   acuRun -h    you'll see the locations where it looks for Acusim.cnf files - based on the directory where acuRun is issued.  Unless you modify the environment variable ACUSIM_CNF_FILES it will ignore Acusim.cnf file in other locations.