Heat Transfer Steady State Analysis

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited 2020 04 in Community Q&A

I am using Heat Transfer Equation mainly Heat Flux Q = A*Alpha (T_gas - T_body), where I have both the cases Conduction and Convection. I am using Optistruct but I have seen that in Radioss it explained very nicely. I don't know the concept of Heat flux and the equation which I am using that also the same in Optistruct?


How it works because T_body and Q(Heat flux) are unknown here. Please give me some of example and Explainations.


Thank you,



Jay Nayak



  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited 2020 13

    Hi Jay,

    Please see the example model attached which is a heat source moved on one plate. Heat exchanged between a heat source and a plate through contact, also between a plate and the atmosphere (water) through convective flux. The pdf and model files are attached for your reference.


    Meanwhile we have several tutorials available for OptiStruct.

    Please refer:

    OS-1010: Thermal Stress Analysis of a Coffee Pot Lid

    S-1085: Linear Steady State Heat Convection Analysis


    OS-1090: Linear Transient Heat Transfer Analysis of an Extended Surface Heat Transfer Fin

    OS-1100: Thermal Stress Analysis of a Printed Circuit Board with Anisotropic Material Properties



    Unable to find an attachment - read this blog

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited 2016 03

    Thank you for your Reply....


    I would like to know that in hypermesh Optistruct, after getting result, do I find in Input file Information about Area of each section, and graph for Heat Transfer Coefficient like Legend form.


    Because I Need heat flux which I will get after multiplying Area to my heat flux at particular Point or node, Q  = A* q(dot) = A * Alpha* (deltaT).....





    Jay Nayak

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited 2016 04

    Hi Jay,

    The query is posted in OptiStruct forum and our experts will guide you in the same.

    The query can be followed at: http://forum.altairhyperworks.com/index.php?/topic/18492-heat-transfer-steady-state-analysis/


    Meanwhile please search for Thermal Analysis in OptiStruct Help which provides an overview of the following analyses:

    Linear Steady-State Heat Transfer Analysis

    Linear Transient Heat Transfer Analysis

    Nonlinear Steady-State Heat Transfer Analysis

    One Step Transient Thermal Stress Analysis

    Contact-based Thermal Analysis

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>thermal.PNG