Extrusion simulation result-files for tool deflection

Hello everyone,
i have a question regarding the tool deflection analysis in HyperXtrude17.
I would like to use pressure loads from a previously computed steady state extrusion simulation to compute tool deflection.
The tool deflection wizard accepts only loads stored in *.hmascii file format, however the loads of my steady state simulation are stored in a *.fem file.
How can I transform the *.fem file into a *.hmascii file?
Best regards,
Few questions before i answer your questions,
1. Are you following tutorial examples? this is supplied with help manual. Follow steps in tool deflection tutorial.
2. Are you using Click2Extrude? If not then please use this. Lots of steps are automated.
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Hello Narendra,
yes, I did the tutorial and no I prefer to use HX instead of Click2Extrude because I need to set some specific boundary conditions and I need to know exactly how my simulation is set up.
I still have a few questions:
1. When I try to compute the tool deflection as in the tutorial, the tool deflection is not computed and I can see it from the xxx.out file. Here, in the section called 'metal extrusion analysis' following message appears:
* ------------------------ *
* Extrusion Type (Direct/Indirect). = Direct *
* Analysis Type (Steady/Transient). = Steady *
* Calculate Profile Deformation.... = Yes *
* Calculate Tool Deflection........ = No2. More over when I try to compute the tool deflection over the 'tool deflection wizard' in HyperXtrude, the problem that I've already mentioned in the first message appears.
The .hmascii-File of the steady state simulation containing the pressure loads in not saved anymore. Do you know how I can solve this problem?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
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Hi Cbertoli,
I have also encountered such a problem. Can you solve it now?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
Yuxing Chen
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Hi Chiara,
I know why differences. Let me first elaborate you on methods of performing coupled analysis,
1. simulating WP + tool mesh using HyperXtrude solver. This is older approach and is supported in old interface on HyperMesh.
you are doing this simulation hence you are getting .fem file. This .FEM file already has correct loads and temperature from flow analysis. But in this simulation, we do not take back tool deformations to HyperXtrude solver and rerun flow analysis.
2. Simulation WP and then tool separately but the connection between both simulations is tightly related. This is supported in new Inspire Extrude interface which you do not want to use as it is fully automated and you do not have control.
In this approach, we first perform flow analysis using HyperXtrude. Then send loads from flow analysis to another solver - OptiStruct to perform tool deflection analysis. Once the tool deflection analysis is completed, we take the deformation information and send it to HyperXtrude. Then HyperXtrtude solver takes the deformation consideration in flow analysis and continues the flow analysis. Hence the results will have the effect of tool deformation. This is also called HX-OS coupled simulation.
If you are interested in getting accurate nose cone deformation then you should use approach #2 i.e. Coupled HX OS analysis.
since we are performing flow and tool analysis separate, you see Tool deformation flag turn off in .out file as you mentioned in your previous comment.
If you have further questions then please let us know.
1. When I try to compute the tool deflection as in the tutorial, the tool deflection is not computed and I can see it from the xxx.out file. Here, in the section called 'metal extrusion analysis' following message appears:
* ------------------------ *
* Extrusion Type (Direct/Indirect). = Direct *
* Analysis Type (Steady/Transient). = Steady *
* Calculate Profile Deformation.... = Yes *
* Calculate Tool Deflection........ = No2. More over when I try to compute the tool deflection over the 'tool deflection wizard' in HyperXtrude, the problem that I've already mentioned in the first message appears.
The .hmascii-File of the steady state simulation containing the pressure loads in not saved anymore. Do you know how I can solve this problem?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,