3D Hex volume mesh of brain

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A



I am struggling to create a hexa mesh (it must be hexa) of a brain. I have a STL file and a 2D Surface mesh. No matter what I try I cannot 'fill' the volume mesh. I can do a tetra mesh but require a hexa. I have tried Hypermesh and SimLab.





  • siddharth_dv
    siddharth_dv New Altair Community Member
    edited September 2017

    Hi npb,


    Currently SimLab doesn't support automated way of carrying out hex meshing for all components. Only for axis symmetric components hex meshing can be done in SimLab . For other components we have to use manual approach , by breaking the bodies , extruding and joining is the other method of doing the hex meshing.


    You can share a screenshot of the model , we can give our comments based on that.


