Modelling of thick composites laminates

I am looking to model a thick pipe with composites materials. The thickness of the pipe is similar to the internal diameter. From my knowledge this is outside the shell thickness approximation. I would like to study the stresses and failure criteria for each ply of the laminate. I've tried modelling as a PSOLID with MAT9ORT however I cannot get composites stresses or failure criteria.
I found a topic on the forum that confirms there is no output of failure criterion with PSOLID at the moment.
Is there any way to model it as thick shell elements using a PCOMPP property card? Or is this way beyond the thickness approximation of SHELL elements?
Thank you in advance. Looking forward to receiving feedback on how to model thick composite laminates.
Instead of PSOLID use PCOMPLS which is similae to PCOMPP but with solid elements.
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Thank you for your fast reply.
Regarding the failure criteria, where do i select the criteria to use in PCOMPLS? In PCOMPP it is possible to select the failure theory code in the card edit.
If not in the PCOMPLS card edit, where else can I select my criteria?
Thanks in advance.
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Failure theories are not yet supported with PCOMPLS and it is WIP.
PCOMPLS allows to model ply based model with solid elements which can't be done with PCOMPP. PCOMPLS is added in 2017.2. Please update and try again.
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Thanks for the info. I have updated and I able to select PCOMPLS as my property.
I just have some questions regarding the settings. If it is a ply based model with solid elements, do I still need to define each of my plies as a solid or instead have a full solid and then assign PCOMPLS. Is it necessary to define the theta in the PCOMPLS card edit? My theta value is blocked and I cannot assign any value to it. I have created my plies using material MAT9ORT. Then in the PCOMPLS, I've input the ply ID as reference but it doesn't seem to work. How can I set my values for PCOMPLS?
Thanks in advance.
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Altair Forum User said:
I just have some questions regarding the settings. If it is a ply based model with solid elements, do I still need to define each of my plies as a solid or instead have a full solid and then assign PCOMPLS.
You need to define the number of plies in PCOMPLS, provide the thickness and theta according to the stacking and select the solid elements. So you don't have to model each solid layer with solid elements.
I have shared a model file to your email ID, please check the same.
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I'm new here and I don't know if it is the correct place to write,
I'd like to now how to model composites with solid elements too
Could you please send me the same example?
Kind regards
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Please use PCOMPLS to model layered solid composite laminate.
Please refer to this example on how to use it OS-E: 0175 Layered Solid-Shell Composites Using PCOMPLS
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Thanks a lot for the reply,
where I can find this example?
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(unfortunately i don't have that example in the directory specified)
I have another question,
I'm trying to use psolid elements to simulate an orthotropic material (composite),
i first have to define the the elements orientation and then instert the coefficients in mat9ort.
Until the psolid property has not been assigned there are no problems.
After assigning the property PSOLID the orientation of the elements changes to the 'nodal' orientation and i cannot change it anymore.
I also tryied to change the CORDM option in PSOLID, but nothing.
how can i solve this problem?
Thanks a lot
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Hi @Francesco Podda Here is the example file and this should answer your question with orientation
/emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20'>
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Following with the material orientation discussion. I saw that in your model, the CORDM option of the PCOMPLS card is BLANK. This means you assign the material orientation to the elements before? When I tried to review the orientation of the elements or the material orientation, they are not aligned to the system defined, find below picture. In this case how do you assign the material oreintation?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Thanks in advance.
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Yes, use CORDM to define material system
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Hi Prakash
Thanks for the reply. I still have a problem with the results I am getting. I need my results to be in the cylindrical coordinate system, I created a cylidnrical coordinate system to view my results but my material orientations are still in the cartesian coordinates system. I am woking with a solid cylinder where my Direction 1 (fiber direction) is along the Z axis. I created a system, where X is along the global Coordinate Z, and define it as my CORDM in the PCOMPLS property. When viewing my results they are in the cartesian coordinate system, how can I apply a cylindrical coord system to my material system for this case?
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Hi @Pak_ Is it possible to share the model file, please? Please use the file transfer link in my signature to share the model file
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Hi Prakash,
Thank you for the reply. I have sent you an email.
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Altair Forum User said:
Hi Prakash,
Thank you for the reply. I have sent you an email.
Have you found the answer? becaus i have the same problems i would like to add +-60degree of material orientation to solid element. The difficulty is that my component is in round shape which requires a cylindrical co-ordinate system as well.
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Orientation support for layered solid composites - PCOMPLS is available from HyperWorks 2019.0.You can define material orientation using curves.
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I also have same question. How to set the orientation of solid elements? Not with a cordm, but with the n1,n2,n3.