Error Found while simulating Convection (Heat Transfer)

Hi Nayak,
Looks like you did not apply a valid material/material card.
Please create a MAT4 card and refer the same in PCONV card.
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Hi Nayak,
In CONV card ambient temperature is missing. Please correct this and try again.
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Hi Nayak,
Slave set ID is missing in CONTACT card, please update and run again.
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How can I edit Slave Set ID; I have seen in my Contact surface window but it doesn't Show anythings regarding Slave set..
It Shows only EID; GID1 and GID2 that I have already mention....
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Hello Friends,
I am doing Heat Transfer Analysis. I have both the cases- Convection and Convection. On the top of my Part there is higher Temp. Zone and there I have apply convection then High temp goes inside my Element and perform Conduction. Analysis also done with no Errors but I can't understand the result which I have found in Element Fluxes types. It doesn't make sense. It Shows my most of the part like Zero Heat flux... and I can only see top part has heat flux which has higher temperature.
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Hi Nayak,
Can you check if there is any modelling issue?
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How can I see/check the error from Modelling or not?