Inertial relief application

Daniele Miti
Daniele Miti Altair Community Member
edited March 2023 in Community Q&A


I'm designing a double wishbone suspension for my master's degree. I prepared the model with Hypermesh and now i wanted to apply the loads to do a static analysis.
I saw on the guide that the suspension arms can be analysed with the inertial relief, so i did the analysis by setting the PARAM inrel to -2, to let the software apply automatically the boundary conditions while i applied the loads normally; however, the analysis gave me very large displacements that cannot exist in reality.
So i wanted to ask if it is correct to use the inertial relief on a system of bodies (two arms, hub carrier and steering arm) since i read that this analysis can constrain only 6 DOF while my system has more than 6 DOF, or if it is possible to apply some SPC constraints to control the motion of the bodies.

Thank you in advance for your response.

