Errors in Radioss

I am getting errors in RADIOSS when I tried to simulate the crash model that has been exported from HyperCrash.
ERROR ID : 286
ERROR ID : 760
What would be the solution for these errors?
I cannot share the model due to the confidential issues.
Hi j8jang
Due to wrongly assigned property cards to components, RADIOSS throws this error. Please check and ensure whether the components are assigned with the correct property cards.
Assign PART card image to components and NONE to rigids.
Also, try the below suggestion and check if you still get error ID 286:
Goto 2D page>> ELEMTYPES>> make sure for 2D and 3D are as shown in the below image. If not change the tria3=SHELL3N and quad4=SHELL4N.
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Hi Pranav,
For error ID: 760, it was discovered that the dummy model we have imported caused an error so we have simply removed it for now.
However, for the error ID 286, we already had the element type set up to the shown image.
I have included the photo of error checks. I am able to auto-fix/manually fix everything except for '0 or 1 Slavenodes in Rbody' error which we already have set up and 'Part and Subset cards' error which I am not sure why it makes an error.
Can you please let me know why you think it is causing the error and how we can fix this?
Thank you.
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there are QUAD4N elements in your model which are incompatible with 3D analysis type.
In the 2D>elem type panel the element type settings are only valid for newly created elements. You should select QUAD4N elements (elems>by config>config:quad4 type:QUAD4N) and update to change element type of existing elements. This will probably also resolve the Compatibility: Part/Mat/Prop error.
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We have changed the QUAD4N elements and updated the changes. But we get this error.
Again, I think we are able to fix all these errors. We just have to set new BC, Accelero card and node cards for the replaced parts.
But we still get 'Part and Subset Cards' and 'Rigid Body Cards' errors.
Please let me know other possible methods that can get rid of these errors
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Can you share the model?
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I'm sorry, due to the confidential issue, we are not able to share the model.
Is there another way instead of releasing the model? (maybe via real-time chat or phone call?)
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That's OK, I understand. Let's first try to resolve those issues here.
Looks like component 'QUAD' has more than one element type. Try running the model and review the starter out file (runname_0000.out). Find the errors where offending element ID will also be listed. You can also review the elements in 2D>elem type panel and search the starter input deck (runname_0000.rad) with different element type keywords (QUAD, SHELL,...).
'Rigid Body Cards' error is not unusual and it will not prevent the model from running.
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After resetting the mesh element type and fixing the rest of the errors, we were finally able to get rid of all the errors from the model check in hypercrash.
However, when we ran the model on Radioss, the same errors keep popping up.
Can you please tell us why?
Another question is that we tried to import the model on hyperview to see if the simulation animation works, but it says datatypes are not available in provided files.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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The last possibility I can think of why QUAD elements are still present in your model is they are automatically regenerated by TCL script.
I haven't yet faced this Hyperview issue. Looks like you have loaded a model without appropriate datatypes for the chosen Result-Math template.
Refer to the tutorial:
HMath-5000: Using HyperMath in HyperView Results Math