how to evaluate a safety factor with the output of stress
I'm doing an explicit analisys, so in block110 format, with composite material, using Law25. I would like to know how to evaluate a safety factor with the output of stress obtained from the following instructions:
With them I look the failed layers or the stresses ply for ply (VonMises, P1major etc...); I would like to know in which direction inside the element is calculated the stress and compare it with a my max ( before the plastic strain like in isotropic material with the Rp0.2) to create a SAFETY FACTOR. Probably is a wrong approach...can you help me about this topic?
Hi Bruno,
Do you mean you need to see the material orientation like fiber orientation? or do you need to see the direction of the stress tensor components?
You can use tensor plot in HyperView while postprocessing to see the direction of the principal stress vectors etc