Constraints with stopper

Hallo all,
I woder how can i analysis the part in this case. the 3D part ist constraint in middle hole in the first 5 DOFs, that means it can be rotaed along Z axial under loads, the force is worked on the right side hole. on the left side there is a stopper, it sppose to be a rigid body and constraint in that position.
The question is in this case how can i set up the constrains between the part and the stopper, which Funktion should i use and how? for examples: Interfaces, rigid walls, blocks, contactsurfaces?
If anyone could give me some advices or toturials, it would be very heplful and i apperciate it.
Thanks a lot
Best regards
Hi Don,
There are multiple ways to model this stopper. Either you can create a component and can make it rigid. Then you can constrain the rigid body at its master node. And then create an interface between the part and the rigid body. Or you can model the stopper as a rigid wall (Rwall type as infinite plane), and add the slave nodes.
OptiStruct interactive tutorials are available at :
Also check this tutorial for learning contact definition:
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Hi George,
Thank you so much for your kind help. I got it partly, but still have another problem, hope you can help me.
I have two different conditions as you can see in the first picture below:
CASE 1. The distance d between part and stopper is 0, that means at the beginning the part contact with the stopper. I use 'contactsurfs' and 'interface' in this case, and the analysis was good.
CASE 2. The distance d=2mm, and everything else ist the same as case 1, but the the result is not OK, althought I got a result. It seems the 3D part was compressed to a sheet.
I do not understand what happend in the Case 2, do i need extra difinition for the contact in case 2?
Thank you very much
Best regards,
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Could you share us relevant file for better understanding?
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Altair Forum User said:
Could you share us relevant file for better understanding?
Hello Rahul,
I´ve send you the files in a message since the datas are not allowed to share publicly, can you please check it and give me an answer.
Your answer will be very helpful, i apperciate it very much and look forward for it.
Best regards,
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I unable to download full file.If you can share file in my dropbox it would be fine.As said it would be confidential with Altair.Dropbox link available in my signature.
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Thanks I got files.My teammates would help you on this query.
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Altair Forum User said:CASE 2. The distance d=2mm, and everything else ist the same as case 1, but the the result is not OK, althought I got a result. It seems the 3D part was compressed to a sheet.
I do not understand what happend in the Case 2, do i need extra difinition for the contact in case 2?
Can you run NLSTAT analysis instead of Linear static analysis with contacts?
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Hey Rahul and Prakash,
Thank you guys so much, I solved the problem with NLSTAT.
Have a nice day.
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