snapping to intersection where Construction Plane meets a Curve

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


 I am designing a kayak and have a simple wireframe made of several Nurbs curves . Is there a way to snap a new curve to the intersections where an activated construction plane meets the other curves? I can't seem to be able to make it work.  I placed an active construction plane that intersected a set of curves and I also activated the 'intersect' snap button  thinking that the new curve I draw will snap to the intersection where c plane intersects other nurbs curves. It didn't work. The curve would snap only to the plane of the activated c. plane but not where the c. planes intersect other curves. In SpaceClaim 3d modelling software construction planes act as cross sections meaning where ever I set a construction plane to intersect an object or curves I will be able to snap to the those curves of that object in cross -section. I was thus thinking evolve's c planes would follow same logic. Another idea I had was instead of c planes to use temporary lines (as a construction lines) and where those lines would intersect the nurbs curves I would then be able to snap new nurbs curve end points to the intersection where those temporary construction lines intersect nurbs curves. Then I would delete those construction lines. That was my second idea. Please advise. See attached file.


Thank you

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>Screenshot (50).png


  • ArjunA_22390
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2018

    Hi Mark,

    We cannot snap to construction plane intersections atm. Your second option is a good workaround. I usually create a surface and project my source curves. I use tool he CTRL option of intersect curves to select a tool curve and trim the projections. I hope the attached video gives you a better idea!

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