Magnetic field strength between two permanent magnets

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Good night,


I'm new to the Altair Flux (student version) and I'm trying to find the magnetic field strength or magnetic flux between two permanent magnets that are separated by a 8 millimeter gap and the upper and lower inner faces between the gap are North and South respectively. I can draw the geometry, but I have difficulties when I define the physical properties of both the magnets and the infinite box. I have tried solve, but I still can not interpret well, nor obtain the magnetic field intensity at the central point between the permanent magnets.


I'm using NdFeb N52 neodymium magnets.


Attached image of the model.
Where can I find a tutorial that can help me with this kind of problem. I've already looked at Flux's help examples, but they were not enough. Could someone describe the step-by-step here?




Cleber Gobira

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>Flux.PNG



  • asoualmi
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2018


    For the definition of physics, in the first you need to create your material (you can also import a material from the Flux. To do it right click on material). Once your material is created, you need to create a volume region type magnetic non conducting region (or solid conductor region if you want to take into account of eddy current in the magnets). Don’t forget to define the orientation of your magnet (to dot it right click on magnets, select orient material for volume region).

    After this, you mesh your device and check the physics.

    Once all this step are done, you solve your project.

    In the post processing, you can draw the isolines of flux density. To obtain the magnetic field intensity at the central point between the permanent magnets, you can create a sensor type point. To do it:

    1. Data tree >> select parameter/ quantity
    2. Select sensor >> right click, new
    3. Type of sensor, select point
    4. Spatial formula >> select: B
    5. Point of sensor, you can use a graphical selection or put the coordinate of the point

     Once the project is solved, you can draw the curve of flux density.

    Hope this will help.

    Best regards.