Why does the "Results browser" tab disappear in SimLab every time I create an analysis, and how can I configure it to remain visible?

Jorge_ceballos22 Altair Community Member
edited May 2024 in Community Q&A

While using SimLab simulation software, I've noticed that the "Results browser" tab disappears each time I create an analysis, whether it's for fluid or structural static analysis, as shown in the attached gif.


This tab is crucial for conducting parametric optimization as it displays simulation results, making it easier to select the necessary response. I'm following the SL 2510 tutorial - DOE using Altair Inspire, SimLab, and HyperStudy, where this function is pivotal. I need the "Results browser" tab to remain visible to follow the tutorial correctly and to be able to utilize the "Create Response" option, but this option is not appearing as evidenced in the following gif.


Is there a way to configure SimLab so that the "Results browser" tab doesn't hide and so that the "Create Response" option appears?


  • Santhoshkumar
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2024


    This is an expected behavior in the recent versions of SimLab. When there is a solution, the results browser will be hidden.

    Since the results browser is hidden, the response creation can be done through solution browser. The created response will be listed under the solution.

    Please try this and let me know if you have any difficulty.


    Thanks & Regards,


  • Jorge_ceballos22
    Jorge_ceballos22 Altair Community Member
    edited May 2024


    This is an expected behavior in the recent versions of SimLab. When there is a solution, the results browser will be hidden.

    Since the results browser is hidden, the response creation can be done through solution browser. The created response will be listed under the solution.

    Please try this and let me know if you have any difficulty.


    Thanks & Regards,


    Hello Santhoshkumar!

    Thank you for your response, which has clarified my initial doubt somewhat. Now, I'd like to inquire how I can extract solar heat flux as a response, as it is a derived variable and may not appear in the list you provided. I've attached a screenshot where I highlight in green the responses that can be provided by the "Response" option, while in red, I emphasize the response I need, which is "solar_heat_flux".


    To obtain this variable, I'm following the tutorial ACU-T: 3201 / SL-2130 Solar Radiation and Thermal Shell Tutorial. Should I use a "User Defined Response" in this case? If so, how do I invoke a specific result to write it into the "User Defined Response"? Is there a list of commands available? Specifically regarding solar heat flux, how could I calculate it using "User Defined Response"? And if there are different time steps, how do I invoke a particular one?

    Looking forward to your prompt response!

    Best regards,

    Jorge Ceballos