How to add Connectivity (Enclosed Voids) Constraint
I asked the quesiton to forum last week and after the answer and links i got, i still have some question.
It's been said draw direction constraint can be used to integrate the constraint to topology optimized design which will be manufactured by selective laser melting,
Should i apply the parameters as; Single draw (because the plate moves only one axis) and click the "No Hole" box to avoid enclosed volumes.
Thank you for taking time.
Draw single should be helpful.
For Additive manufacturing you have a 'support angle/overhang' constraint.
It might be useful for avoiding overhangs, and controlling the maximum angle wrt the vertical direction.
'No Hole' and the name points, will only avoid the structure to have a through-hole. It will keep a minimum thickness for your part, avoiding a full hole (except in the borders, if possible).
In Inspire too: