How can I update the CFD simulation results from SimLab that uses a parametric CAD from Inspire in HyperStudy?

- I aim to perform parametric optimization on a CAD I created in Inspire (refer to Fig. 1) for a coupled CFD simulation involving solar radiation. Initially, I am conducting a Design of Experiments (DOE) in HyperStudy to assess the generated values before proceeding to the parametric optimization.
- The simulation entails both transient (spanning from 5 AM to 7 PM) and steady-state modes, focusing on a specific hour. I am altering a parameter highlighted in red in Fig. 1 (spacing_Y = 500 mm). The objective is to identify the Y-panel distance maximizing sunlight exposure, enabling the highest number of panels per hectare.
Fig. 1. Parametric CAD.
- To validate the CFD simulation's response in HyperStudy, I select a panel (refer to Fig. 2) and require two outputs: the average solar radiation value on these surfaces and the maximum radiation received.
Fig. 2.Analyzed surface.
- Results from the HyperStudy DOE doesn't show consistent values when altering the panel distance in the CFD simulation (refer to Fig. 3 and Fig. 4).
Fig 3. DOE results in steady-state simulation.
Fig 4. DOE results in transient simulation.
- For the steady-state DOE (Fig. 3), the initial simulation's results persist in subsequent ones. However, in the transient DOE (Fig. 4), no CFD results are displayed (all points show zero).
In summary, this is my issue. In the attachments, I've attached files with the studies conducted, including the CAD, Python script, and the HyperStudy DOE. If you wish to reproduce the DOE, maintain the folders as they are and load them into the C drive. Additionally, I pose the question: How can this be resolved?and why do the results not appear in the transient simulation (displaying zeros), while at least the results of the first simulation show in the steady-state simulation?
It seems that you directly select the faces to create the groups. This means you're selecting the IDs from each of them. This can generate problems when running the script again, as IDs can change. On the how to channel are two tutorials you can easily follow to create your optimization. There's a automated way to create your study from SimLab to HyperStudy or you can do it manually. Both are available in the channel. Look them up as Heat Sink Optimization, even though it is for structural analysis, the same can be done for CFD. Hopefully, this can help you.
Kind regards