How do we get the solar heat flux in SimLab?

Jorge_ceballos22 Altair Community Member
edited February 2023 in Community Q&A

Good afternoon, I am doing the solar radiation tutorial in HyperWorks CFD, but I want to replicate it in SimLab with the help of its respective tutorial, to remove the unit confusion.

The solar radiation tutorial in HyperWorks:

The solar radiation tutorial in SimLab:

My question is:
When analyzing the results, we need the solar heat flux, which is indicated in HyperWorks CFD and we know how to obtain it, but when we replicate it in SimLab, it is not indicated in the respective tutorial. How do we get the solar heat flux in SimLab?.




  • AlessioLibrandi
    Altair Employee
    edited February 2023

    Hi Jorge,

    sorry that you could not get an Answer yet. Probably this topic should  better be asked in our CFD-AcuSolve forum, where you could have more chance of finding information regarding this.
