Thermal Analysis

Dear experts,
i'm using AcuSolve to run a thermal analysis and have some questions related to the proper boundary condition for my model.
below is my model and short description:
I would like to ask about the boundary conditions on the bounding surfaces of "air volume" and the "ground" volume.
The air volume is open air and based on my understanding, the green faces can be defined as outflow with back flow conditions and hydro static pressure.
About the ground volume, it is very wide and i only make a small portion to do the simulation. So what should be the boundary conditions on the red surfaces? the assumption is the ground is very wide and the temperature of enviroment is 300K (both air and ground).
Thanks in advance!
i'm not a specialist, but what if you impose a fix temperature of 300K in these surfaces?
the fix temperatures will need to be maintined by some heat flux exchanging heat through these faces. (probably losing heat).