Applications of Discrete Element Method : Altair EDEM

Stephen Cole
Stephen Cole
Altair Employee
edited November 2024 in Altair HyperWorks

Applications of Discrete Element Method : Altair EDEM

In this article we cover a snapshot of the wide range of possible applications possible with Altair® EDEM™

The Discrete Element Method (DEM) is a particle-scale numerical method for modeling the bulk behaviour of granular materials and many geomaterials such as coal, ores, soil, rocks, aggregates, pellets, tablets and powders.

Capturing the material behaviour, at the micro and macro is key to providing scientists and engineers with the information required to aid in material and equipment design.

Importance of Shape in DEM

If modelling micro sized powders or macro sized rocks it is important to consider the shape of the material.  With EDEM you can choose spheres, multi-spheres, polyhedral particles, meta-particles or any combination of shapes.

Computational requirements of DEM

Faster, smarter solutions are required to obtain results.  Use of GPU processing speeds up DEM simulations by orders of magnitude:

Machine learning, digital twin, reduced order models, optimsiation and calibration all aid in obtaining EDEM solutions:

Applications of Altair EDEM

Here you can find various demonstration kits of using EDEM in applications ranging from optimising the drivetrain of a bulk solids mixer to modelling snow accumulation on vehicles.

Using EDEM, MotionSolvePSIM and Activate.

For more EDEM applications please see our EDEM Webinars:

To get started with EDEM:
