A place to ask questions about Altair products or solutions and receive help from community members or Altair employees
I completed the Altair romAI e-learning course and could download the certificate. But how can an institution or an individual know about the authenticity of the certificate as I only have the PDF or picture of it? Is there a way like some credential link to validate the certificate?
In Classic Hypermesh, we used to activate buttons using hm_pushpanel. For example to activate mesh button, we use the command "hm_pushpanel {automesh}". Similarly, how to activate mesh button in Hyperworks X version? I am aware that hyperworks X version does not comes with Push Panel, but i am seeking help to find the…
Hello, I have asked a question in one of your online formation earlier this week which has been left unanswered. I am trying to run python macros from custom buttons. I have managed to create my extension to show a custom ribbon with icons. However I have trouble linking my python macro (macro1.py, located within my…
Hello, I would like to know how to use a tcl code to get the volume of each comp I have in my model and export as a list in a excel file. Thanks!
Hi, I am facing an issue with the hyperworks solver deck export. I am using HyperMesh version: 2024.0.0.27 (Radioss Template version: 2024.0.0.27-93253) I imported my Radioss solver deck from folder "A", modified it, and exported the Radioss solver deck files to working folder "B", and on opening the starter deck…
"Design Suites" -> "Display Parameter" is grayed and disable . Please tell me how to create and display the table on the left side of the screen below in the same file , and how to directly modify the values in the table without opening a separate parameter file ?
Hello everyone, i'm trying to do a transient response analysis for a empty room using hypermesh/optistruct. For that i only modelled the fluid part of the room an created Absorber elements at the boundaries with a impedance, that results in a small amount of absorption. A direct frequency response analysis works perfectly,…
I want to ask a question about the simulation results in SimSolid version 2024. I tried to do a linear structural analysis by applying a distributed load of 800 kg to my model and applied fixed and slider supports at the bottom, but when I got the results, it showed 0 values for all outputs (as if it was not calculated),…
Hello Expert There is a video to teach how to use PSIM file and BOOSTXL-DRV8305 to spin motor. I want to use BOOSTXL-DRV8301 to instead BOOSTXL-DRV8305. Change ADC arrangement in PSIM file according to DRV8301 Pin out. However motor can't SPIN normally. Can anyone tell me how to solve it? thank you
Hello, I want to release the response about pressure drop using user defined response. But I don't know how Python code works. Maybe I think I should make a expression like difference between inlet total pressure and outlet total pressure. I tried to search the method that I can refer, but I couldn't find it.
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