A space to share your Altair scripts, models, workspaces and extensions with the community.
Overview Keep track of Flutter critical points more efficiently by parsing .out/.f06 files automatically to compare them with .op2 modal results. The benefit is to avoid manual work with a more appropriate environment for math operations. Pre-Requisite Flutter Points Usage/Installation Instructions • Choose the directory…
Overview With this script you can read an OptiStruct set from the .fem model and get its list of IDs. Usage/Installation Instructions To check the output give the function name, .fem model path, andset_id (ID of the set to be required) - elemIDlist = readsetOptiStruct(fem_file,set_id)
Overview With this script you can read a Nastran set from the .bdf model and get its list of IDs. Pre-Requisite Set Definition Usage/Installation Instructions To check the output give the function name (ex: [setIDlist, elemIDlist]), .bdf model path and inputSet (ID of set to be required)- [setIDlist, elemIDlist] =…
Overview Compute Auto and Cross Power Spectral Density (PSD) of two signals using handy signal processing functions to easily transform time into frequency domain. With this, minimize effort to manipulate Test & CAE files to assess their frequency-domain features. Pre-Requisite Auto and Cross Power Spectral Density of two…
Overview MotionSolve plot files (.plt) are produced when running multibody simulations. These files contain results such as displacements, velocities and accelerations (and much more) from the bodies present in the file. A single PLT file can contain dozens of different datatypes (data like displacement, force, torque,…
Overview Noise emission in a Gearbox system is a critical factor when ensuring the mechanism quality. Gear whine and rattle noise are the main vibro-acoustic phenomena of a gearbox occurring usually between 50-90 dB * Gear whine: generated by the presence of transmission error in the meshing and/or due to varying mesh…
Overview Data Prep Studio Workspaces provide the ability to connect to multiple data sources such as Monarch Classic Models, Excel, CSV, Text, PDF, Database Connections and other sources. Data Prep Studio Workspaces provide more data extraction methods, a wider array of cleansing functions, including joins, appends,…
Overview (This is a translated version of a blog, posted by Kosuke Ikeda. The original blog in Japanese can be found here). With this example we show how to transfer a linear model from OptiStruct into Activate. Using OptiStruct's CMS (Component Mode Synthesis), we will output a matrix with reduced degrees of freedom from…
Overview 背景 振動レベルを目標値以下に下げる目的で最適化をするといったケースはよくあると思います。 そのとき、目標値が周波数によらず一定であれば設定は簡単ですが、目標値が周波数によって違うといったケースでは設定が面倒です。 このような目標ラインが一定でない場合に使えるHyperStudyのユーザー関数を作成しました。 (ダウンロードはこちらから) 登録方法 登録の仕方は以下の順で行います。 ①HyperStudyを開き、「編集」→「Python関数」 ②Python関数の登録画面で「Python関数の追加」をクリック ③ラベル、識別子に適当な名前を入力(ここでは関数名と同じDiffMaxとしています)…
Overview I authored this macro as a user was looking for a way to get from Matrix Browser the element centroid coordinates expressed into a user-defined system (either a spherical, rectangular or cylindrical system). Usage/Installation Instructions https://youtube.com/watch?v=Oq1COcBwK3g&feature=shares
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