A space to share your Altair scripts, models, workspaces and extensions with the community.
Overview Classic Models (.dmod) extract use templates to extract data from a specific report at a time. Classic Models can also acquire data from structured sources like Excel, CSV, and Database sources. Classic models may include filters, sorts, calculated fields, lookup fields, and summary aggregations. Data Prep Studio…
Overview This TCL macro is made to trace lines based on mathematical formulas. The line is traced is X-Y plane. When executed, a user interface window pops-up. The user can choose X value to begin and end the curve. He can also choose the step with which points are created, based on the equation. When all the points are…
Overview This script will apply a Contour plot and query result values of an element set. These values are written to a .TXT-file. January 18th 2024: Script version was corrected as element set label was hardcoded in the procedure. This line 88 was deleted and new script version attached. Pre-Requisite…
Overview Altairの機構解析・マルチボディソリューションのMotionViewはPython APIを提供しており、様々な自動化が可能です。 本記事では、CADから算出された重心位置にジョイントを配置するスクリプトを紹介します。 サンプルスクリプト下記です。 from hw import mview m=mview.getModel() p=m.b_Base.geomprops.cg mview.Joint(b1='b_Base',b2='B_Ground',origin=p,type='FixedJoint') Pre-Requisite MotionView /…
Overview The intra-particle force distribution is implemented as a post-processing python script that used EDEMPy. It reads all the .h5 files after the simulation is complete and calculates the force values based on the contact information at the save intervals. Pre-Requisite EDEMPy Installation:…
Overview Feko model based on the Articulated Human. The model consists of 334,733 tetrahedrals (8 mm size) and can be used for runs up to 1GHz. Requires more than 2 GBytes of RAM. Usage/Installation Instructions See ReadMe.txt.
Overview Refers to script version v3 This script: * loads request-list from TXT-file TXT-Format: one request each line, no empty lines * loads subcase-list from TXT-file TXT-Format: one subcase each line, no empty lines pay attention to exact subcase naming in OS-input compared to HG-reader / H3D >> difference in brackets…
Overview This Script will check if component ID is >= lower boundary value and <= upper boundary value. Boundary values are handed over as arguments by the execution pattern (see below). If condition is matched, component will be re-colored itself (if no set-name is handed over as argument), or a set is created with these…
Overview Example script to load model / set subcase / set simulation step / set increment / define contour plot Pre-Requisite ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Place .TCL and example .H3D-result file…
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