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Hello, I'm had this problem for a while now and still cannot find a solution... namely a problem with changing the direction of pressure from normal to OZ axis. The program seems to be completely unresponsive to my commands. Below I am posting a short video of the issue. In the end the calculated resultant force should…
Hello! A quick question - I'm new to Hypermesh and just recieved a project with around 1000 components grouped within couple hundred assemblies. Is there any way of selecting a certain component from the display window and verifying in which aseemblies it is used? I thought that maybe the "Assemblies" panel might come in…
Hello, I’ve recently been trying to learn topology optimization using HyperMorph and stumbled across the following static analysis problem. I have a simple, 2D fitting with applied loads and constrains. I would like to minimize mass by manipulating the inner and outer radii, as well as four linear dimensions while still…
Hi, I am bigginer Can we handle hexamesh in fluid-structure interaction?