Creating a List of Nodes

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

HI All,


I have a very large model which has a lot of rivet connections which I plan to model using CBUSH elements. In order to easily model this, I need a list of the nodes where the rivets are to connect. I've already created fixed points at these locations in the Geometry.


The way I thought to create the list of nodes is to manually create nodes at the points and renumber them 1->X. Then mesh the parts and equivalence the nodes so that it keeps the lower node ID (my logic may be flawed as I'm new to Hyperworks and this is something that would work in PATRAN).


I've tried this on a small scale test model. I created the nodes (which I believe are temporary nodes) by going Geom > Nodes > Points and selecting the fixed points. I've then meshed the part, but when I equivalence (either in edges or faces) it says 0 nodes found. I assume this is because the nodes I've created are temporary or geometry nodes and not related to the mesh.  However, I've exported the model as a .bdf and both the temporary nodes and the mesh nodes are recorded. Thus I'm at a loss for why equivalencing is not working!


Is there any way to create mesh nodes without actually meshing, or easily create a list of the nodes I need?







  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2015


    After creating temp nodes at points on your geom.Create entity sets for nodes


    tool option: Analysis>>entity sets 

    then export as bdf


    I think this will work..Try this

  • tinh
    tinh Altair Community Member
    edited September 2015

    HI All,


    I have a very large model which has a lot of rivet connections which I plan to model using CBUSH elements. In order to easily model this, I need a list of the nodes where the rivets are to connect. I've already created fixed points at these locations in the Geometry.


    The way I thought to create the list of nodes is to manually create nodes at the points and renumber them 1->X. Then mesh the parts and equivalence the nodes so that it keeps the lower node ID (my logic may be flawed as I'm new to Hyperworks and this is something that would work in PATRAN).


    I've tried this on a small scale test model. I created the nodes (which I believe are temporary nodes) by going Geom > Nodes > Points and selecting the fixed points. I've then meshed the part, but when I equivalence (either in edges or faces) it says 0 nodes found. I assume this is because the nodes I've created are temporary or geometry nodes and not related to the mesh.  However, I've exported the model as a .bdf and both the temporary nodes and the mesh nodes are recorded. Thus I'm at a loss for why equivalencing is not working!


    Is there any way to create mesh nodes without actually meshing, or easily create a list of the nodes I need?






    equivalence just be done between elems-elems

    so from your temp nodes, make an element (example: RBE2) connects them

    then equivalence this RBE2 with your mesh

    after that delete the RBE2

    so temp nodes will stick to the mesh


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