enforced displacement

Dear All,
can you please help me with, How to apply enforced displacement on shaft and fixed constraints on hub as shown in figure.
i'm confused in load collectors,
where to assign spc and where to assign spcd and in which collector.
also want to know about search distance option what it means actually. is it a gap between contacting bodies?
You need specify SPC for the same degree of freedom specified for SPCD.
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What kind of analysis you want to carryout? If you are doing static analysis then SPC with certain value can also do the work. If you want an excitement as in that of Load,Disp,acc or velocity for dynamic analysis, there you can use SPCD.
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I''m doing non linear quasi static, i have 170 contacts in my model. Want to check the contact force when contact stress exceeds 2000 Mpa value.
I have to give displacement to shaft and constrained the hub.
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I think for quasi-static you can use displacement using SPC.
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SPC or SPCD+SPC as load should do.