Breaking in model

New user here. Just a query if this is due to my simulation initial conditions or just a limit of the software.
I ran an optimization and it seemed to break from the supports i set?<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
as labeled the optimization has disconnected from the supports i put in place, any help would be much appreciated
Do you have any constraints on the 'disconnected' non design space? If not, the part is obsolete.
Best Regards,
0 -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Ive set both pins to be grounded, however this is the result. ^^^^^^
By constraints on the non design space, could you clarify what you mean?
Im assuming i need displacement constraints at these points?
However i have set the displacements to zero but it still fails.
as shown
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Any help would be much appreciated.
Note- the rough simulation I am trying to run is where the right hand pivot is fixed (where it would be fixed onto the bike) and the upper pin section holds the rear damper that would fix itself to the bike frame. The left hand side then is where the axle goes through and all the forces are translated through.0 -
Hi Jacque,
please run your optimization first on 'maximize stiffness' and set the mass constraint to ~25% - ~30%. Then you run an analysis of your designapproach. You will see, your Factor of Safety is way higher than the one you are trying to achieve in the run you are showing us. If I have to guess I would say: You are trying to achieve not achievable SF with a too large thickness constraint. Additionally, you should restrict the area where you apply loads, not we you are supporting the model!