consideration of the demagnetization field in magnetized materials?
Hello all,
i've got a question concerning the deposited material principles.
How does flux calculate the magnetic field strength H respectively the magnetic flux density B of a magnetized material?
Is it done in consideration of the demagnetization field H_dem = -N_dem*M and the differentation between external and internal magnetic field (H_int = H_appl + H_dem)?
Because at this moment i don't know which magnitudes are shown in the post-processing view.
Thanks for your help!
The demagnetizing field is taken into account through the geometry. In Flux 2D, we compute the flux density B through the formula
B = Curl (A) where A is the vector potential , having only a Z component in 2D).
Then the magnetic field H is computed with the next formula:
B = Mu0 * MuR * H (where Mu0 is the relative permeability of vacuum, 4*pi*1E-7, and MuR is the relative permeability of magnetic material)
When you have a magnet, then the formula is the following:
B= Mu0 * MuR * H + Br (where Br is the remanent flux density)
In the Flux formula editor you can directly compute B, H, MuR, and even Br with these names.
I hope it will help.