optistruct error in modal analysis

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

hi gys i have aproblem with optistruct. i'm doing a modal analysis but it gives me the folowing error '
*** See next message about line 74 from file:
'GRID 2083 -657.01746.2322 1305.261'
*** ERROR # 1020 *** in the input data:
Missing BEGIN BULK or line before BEGIN BULK has trailing comma.
how can i solve the problem?
it is a simply eigen value problem analysis.
cannot access the files, but a similar error was already posted:
https://community.altair.com/community?id=community_question&sys_id=3e4680b61b2bd0908017dc61ec4bcb0c0 -
There are many basic errors in your model.
For example:
1、 the mesh quality is too bad
2、 BCS were placed in the EIGRL loadcllectorThe following attachment is a model that can be calculated.