Convergence criteria

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A



I have seen that SimSolid use the Multi-Pass Adaptive (MPA) algorithm. It means that SimSolid uses multiple solution steps, increasing the total degrees-of-freedom and the polynomial level with each step until measures have converged. Thus, I wonder what is the convergence criteria used in SimSolid ?


Also, I have noticed that sometimes, stress do not converge when I specify a higher number of solution passes. Do you have some advice to avoid this kind of issues?


Thank you for your help.






  • Girish Mudigonda_21018
    Girish Mudigonda_21018
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2019

    SimSolid doesn't run the solution until convergence is achieved, it runs the solution for the user defined number of adaptive passes.


    Did you use 'adapt to features' and/or 'adapt to thin solids'? That should help get better stress results.