Airbag Deploying simulation / Communication Surface
Hello everyone,
I am about to simulate an Airbag deploying and I have got following problem:
I would like to get this airbag as a system with several chambers by using the Cardimage 'Airbagwithcommunication1' the way i can simulate it with Communication surface.
The following example shows how it should be built.
While simulating comes out this error message
In general that system has got 4 chambers, for every single chamber appears the same error message.
All chambers volume are closed and the mesh elements are normal outward-orientated.
By using the Cardimage 'Airbag', the simulation runs without any problems.
My question is:
How can I create the Surface Communication? Knowing that this Surface Communication has been created manual as Shell Elements 3-4 nodes with HyperMesh. Could it be the right element or not?
It will be very kind from your side if you tell me what do you mean about the Errors ID 473 and 902.
I have attached the Model and OUTPUT-file.
Thank you so much in advance and wish you a wonderful day.
Kind regards
Hi MisterKarimi,
Please go through , which is a webinar on setting up an airbag simulation in RADIOSS.
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first of all thank you for your quick answer.
Unfortunately the example you sent me does not solve my problem, because the kind of problem I wanted to simulate is a multi chamber simulation of an airbag, whereas you sent me an example of a single chamber airbag. The Image Card I use is AirBagWithCommunication1, the Card Image in the webinar you sent me is another one.
From my point of view the problem lies in the communication surfaces, which lie in between two chambers. They need to communicate to each other but the normal tangents exist in outward directions, so that the communication does not work properly, because one of the chambers does not communicate with the neighbouring chambers in both ways, but only in one way.
Maybe you can answer me another question:
How can I define two normal tangents for one element? Is that even possible?
Many thanks and kind regards.
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Apologies for the delay.
There are a few modelling errors in the file. Please correct these and try running.
Regarding the communicating surfaces there are duplicate elements in the model. One communication surface will be sharing for two chambers, but in your case you have created two.
Delete the duplicate, and create only one.
Also check the normals for the communication surface. The normals for communication surface will be inwards for the chamber. Please refer the model file () and correct the model accordingly.