Angle Dependent Dynamic Calculation

I have got quite a tricky task to fulfill with Hypermesh and I don't know if this will work generally...
So I am simulating an aircrafts landing shock. The aircraft consists of Beam Elements for the structure and Shell Elements for the tires.
The Beams are lines with an added line mesh.
I want now to apply aerodynamic loads onto the wings with a specific elliptical lift distribution.
For this purpose I have a position dependent (wing span) equation but how can I apply line loads in the Radioss environment as a load collector?
(I checked out the Cload but there I can only put time dependent curves in...)
If this works somehow, the created lift is dependent of the angle of attack, which is the angle between the wing and an horizontal line.
To achieve this, this angle should be measured out of the model after each calculation step and then put again into the lift equation to achieve a new lift value
which is then used for the next calculation step...
Is this somehow possible?
Would be so happy if you could help me!
(With the attached files you can have an overlook of the simplified aircraft structure...)
Bit confused on your description. Can you clarify your query once again?.
Meanwhile please refer this paper which is somewhere related to your analysis:
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Okay, ahm I would need to apply a line load (lift) on the wing beam element using an equation for the elliptical distribution of the load.
In Optistruct solver this would not be a problem but in Radioss I don't find any command for doing this...
The load is dependent of the angle of attack, which is simplified the angle between the wings beam and an horizontal line, which you can also
see in the picture below. This angle is changing permanently during touchdown, which makes it essential that this angle gets measured out of
the model after each calculation step and put again in the equation for the lift distribution, so that angle and lift get 'updated ' after each step of calculation...
I hope that I made it a bit clearer now
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There is no option currently in RADIOSS to apply load using an equation.