dm/m too high!
Hi everyone, i'm doing a roof crash analysis with an imposed displacement on a rigid plane. I set the minimum timestep to 1e-7 and during the first cycle it prints:
' T= 0 DT= 5.67E-07 ERR= 0% DM/M= 3.5526E+00'
If my tmin is less than the actual dt, why do i have a so large dm/m?
Hi Solosono
DM/M shows the mass error. When a user impose a time step in the model, mass will be added to the system. And DM/M shows the mass added to the system.
At time T=0 you are having a time step of 5.67E-07, but since time steps varies throughout the simulations this value of time step at time T=0 is not necessary to be constant as time proceeds.
Here since you have imposed a time step, after time T=0, it will take the imposed time step value (1e-7), thereby adding mass to the node/model
As a good practice the mass error in the model should be less than .05 (5%)
Please refer this forum post also to know about Advanced mass scaling. share the entire .OUT file to get a better idea of the simulation.
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Hi @Solosono
actually, the timestep printed at a first cycle is a natural timestep (without scaling) and no mass is added so dm/m should be 0.
The only reason mass error is not 0 at the start if there are type 2 tied contact interfaces with sptflag=1. From Radioss help: