Impact Test on IA

Hyperman can u give me the meshed file if i provide you the igs file
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Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
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I have to learn
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Observe the procedure in the video. Ask for help only if you fail to do it yourself.
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I have to use polyurathene as foam material and how to generate curve for the same
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Try with /MAT/LAW33, which is used to model visco-elastic plastic foam material. This law is applicable only for solid elements and is typically used to model low density, closed cell polyurethane foams such as impact limiters.
You can use generic material properties found in Radioss help, perform tests or research the literature.#RADIOSS STARTER
unit for mat
Mg mm s
# E Ka fct_IDf Fscale_crv
200 1 0 1
# P0 Phi Gamma_0
0 0 0
# A B C
1E30 0 0
# E1 E2 Et nu_comp nu_shear
0 0 2 2E27 1E27
#---1----|----2----|----3----|----4----|----5----|----6----|----7----|----8----|----9----|---10----|Another option is /MAT/LAW70 (FOAM_TAB) which describes the visco-elastic foam tabulated material (function input). This material law can be used only with solid elements.
An example from Radioss help:
unit for mat
kg mm ms
# EO NU E_max EPS_max Itens
.01 0 10 .8 0
# F_cut F_smooth N_L N_unl Iflag Shape Hys
.1 1 4 0 4 2 1E-20
# fctID_L Eps_._L Fscale_L
1 0 .001
2 .01 .0015
3 .1 .002
3 1 .003
# X Y
0 0
.03 .002
.04 .003
.14 .005
.46 .008
.63 .01
.82 .07
.83 .08
.93 1.4
.94 2.0
.95 3.0
.96 6
.97 10
.98 35
.99 300
# X Y
0 0
.03 .002
.04 .003
.14 .005
.46 .008
.63 .01
.82 .07
.83 .08
.93 1.4
.94 2.0
.95 3.0
.96 6
.97 10
.98 35
.99 300
# X Y
0 0
.03 .002
.04 .003
.14 .005
.46 .008
.63 .01
.82 .07
.83 .08
.93 1.4
.94 2.0
.95 3.0
.96 6
.97 10
.98 35
.99 300
#---1----|----2----|----3----|----4----|----5----|----6----|----7----|----8----|----9----|---10----|0 -
The error ID 1078 is because tied contact slave nodes are not found within the distance for searching the closest master segment (dsearch parameter).
The default value (if left blank) is the average size of the master segments (7.89 in your model). Because the distance between master segments and slave nodes is 10 units, set the dsearch parameter to at least 10.
By setting Ignore=1 slave nodes with no master segment found during the Starter are deleted from the interface. With this setting error 1078 is avoided, but slave nodes outside the specified search tolerance will not be tied.
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The rigid wall did not have any slave nodes.
I have also set up the foam property and defined output requests.
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Hello Hyperman,
the energy required to be absorbed is 7350J but it is exciding the limit , what to do to bring in to 7350J. Please help.
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The objective (from the slide): Total energy absorbed must meet or exceed 7350 Joules= kinetic energy of 300kg mass at 7m/s. The formula for Kinetic energy is:
K.E. = 1/2 m v2
In the model you shared, there is 300kg added on the rigid body and the mass of the attenuator is 16.19kg. The total mass of the model is 316.19kg and the initial kinetic energy is 7746.66J. If you need exactly 7350J kinetic energy to be absorbed then the total mass should be 300kg, so you need to reduce the mass on the rigid body to 283.81kg.