Free-shape optimization in Radioss

Altair Forum User
Altair Employee

first of all i'll present what i need to do, i need to develop impact absorbing composite structure from scratch. I have a next algorithm in mind for doing this:
- Radioss free shape optimization - start geometry is a square profile, objective: minimum volume inside the shape, constrains: buckling, stress, displacement.
- Radioss free size optimization - after obtaining a geometry composite optimization for thickness, objective: minimal weight, constrains: failure of specific elements, buckling, displacement, acceleration.
And now questions:
- Is there a way to make free size optimization in Radioss?
- Is it possible to share step by step guides for any Radioss optimization?
Thanks in advance.
There are tutorials available on OptiStruct helps. Please go through the tutorials
OS-5020: Shape Optimization of a 3D Bracket Model using the Free-shape Method
OS-5060: Shape Optimization of a 3D Model using the Free-shape Method with Manufacturing Constraints