exact deffinition of sandwich in radious

Hi Kazadoi44,
Does each ply is of different material in your layup?
You can include multiple materials but all the materials should be of same material model (example: LAW 25)
All the stiffness, density etc.. are calculated from these materials and the material you refer to the PART is used for pre and post processing.
I am attaching a sample pre-processed model for you. Please refer to the attached model.
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I need to model sandwich of honeycomb and carbon fiber, the same elements will contain 2 materials.
I've seen in your example that only one material is assigned to the elements (component) ,however in the property it self you include both of them.
Can i give them different properties in law 25?
Is there any visual representation of the laminate, how can i find my mistake if i did while modelling the laminate?
Is there a way to see that the calculations are made on both of the materials?
Thank you for quick response and good job on the forum.
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Hi @kazadoi44
Altair Forum User said:Can i give them different properties in law 25?
You can give different materials in property which will be used for calculation but the material you assign to the property is only for pre and post processing.
Altair Forum User said:Is there any visual representation of the laminate, how can i find my mistake if i did while modelling the laminate?
There is no physical representation available for now in RADIOSS.
Altair Forum User said:Is there a way to see that the calculations are made on both of the materials?
I will check and update to you on this.
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defining this way worked for me:
- create type11 property, assign to component.
- create law25 materials, assign the lightest law 25 material to find min time step.
- 'N' parameter defines number of layers, 'N'>1 adds table to the property, in the table define 'Phi1', 't1', 'Z1', 'm1'.
- define vector directions 'Vx', 'Vy', 'Vz'.
- calculate laminate thickness and type it into 'Thick', without it I got error 495.
again thanks for quick response.
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Thanks for the update,
Altair Forum User said:Phi1', 't1', 'Z1', 'm1
You have to be careful with the Z parameter, this is not the base height of the laminate. I have seen lot of users who confuse with this parameter.
Altair Forum User said:calculate laminate thickness and type it into 'Thick', without it I got error 495
Yes, the total laminate thickness should match with the sum of the plies thickness.