
I am doing impact analysis,
I want to make sure in bcs manager invel card...What is the unit of time in that option??
And also in eng run card what is the unit of time
What material i can assigned for Impacter (It is rigid means material law?
How can i corelate energy results
Can any one help me??
Hi Mohan,
The unit system will be based on the input consistency user maintain. If you are following tonnes, mm and second, the initial velocity will be in mm/s. In the engine run card also similarly you have to specify the run time. For eg, if you are running the analysis for 100 millisecond, the run time will be 0.1 seconds (assuming units followed is in seconds). Please find the attached image for unit consistency.
As the impactor is rigid, you can assign Mat Law 1 which is elastic material.
I recommend you to download our e-book on RADIOSS where all the aspects related to energy results are discussed with video files also. Please download it at :