Radioss Optimization (RADOPT)

Is there a standard amount of space there needs to be between the different parameters in a .radopt file. I'm adapting an existing .radopt file (with notepad++), and have tried finding a pattern in the amount of spaces between the parameters of the different cards. However, there doesn't seem to be one.
Any help with this would be appreciated.
Kind Regards
the standard amount of space for different parameters is 10. You can use the following template as a guide (be sure to include the # character at the beginning so solver will know this is a comment):
The values are aligned to the right i.e. to fill the tenth space (single digit) or ninth & tenth (double digit) and so on.
Check the sample radopt file attached
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Hi @Ivan
Thanks for the quick response. I was already using this template, but didn't know they needed to be aligned to the right.
I've noticed in the attached file that you use the /BULK/DATA/1 to use BULK Data Inputs from OptiStruct. Do you know if al these Bulk Data Sections are useable? I does not seem to be mentioned in the Radioss Optimization information. They do reference /BULK but don't really give any extra information. (I'm not really familiar with Optistruct but however I do have colleague's that can help).0 -
All Bulk data input should be supported since optimization is handled by Optistruct in the background. If still uncertain, open the automatically created *.fem file to check if all keywords are present in the Optistruct model.
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Disregard both responses, I found my own mistake.
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Can anyone tell me if it's possible to restart a radopt run? I'm dealing with an optimisation which takes a long time for each outerloop so I want to be able to start the run in the evening, end it in the morning and restart it the next evening. I know you can restart a previous radioss runs if the /RERUN card is used, however this will only restart the radioss run not the radopt run.
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I know this exists, however I need to be able to stop and resume. The HWU's need to be used by other people during the day otherwise I could just keep it running all day and night.