Convergence check 1D line elements

Dear hyperworks users,
I have a question regarding the 1D beam elements. Currently I am using 1D beam elements to model a truss type structure. I have performed a convergence check in which I have reduce my mesh size stepwise and checked the maximum von mises stress in my model. I have plotted the node count (The amount of nodes in the model) to the maximum stress in my elements. The boundary conditions and load remains the same during the different runs. Only the mesh size was reduced. The table with the mesh size reduction steps and the graph of the node count versus the maximum stress are shown below.
The strange thing is that the solution does not converge. At the end, the values are increasing when the mesh size is reduced. This should not be the case.
Does anyone have a suggestion for me. How can I validate my mesh size in hyperworks?
Kind regards,
If you get max vonmisses value from contour plot, please set an averaging method
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Dear Tinh,
Thanks for your response. I had set the averaging method to maximum but somehow my results were unexpected. So maybe there was something wrong in my set-up of the model. Today I did the convergence check again with a mesh reduction factor of 1.5, which is a common rule for a mesh convergence check. Now the solution is converging nicely as you can see in the figures below.
Thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate this forum.
Regards, mike