Damage zones in Fail Safe Optimization

it seems to me, I can't understand how optistruct is exaclty mapping the damage zones on my 3D model (cube and sphere). Could someone please explain it, so I could in advance create a likewise geometry of potential damage zone (without running the optimization itself) and therefore see if DTPL Fail Safe values (Individual Zone Size and Zones Distance) fulfill my 'damage location' requirements. Thanks!
Hi @ Bozydar
According to help, fail-safe zone sizes are based on the edge length.
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Hi Prakash,
I ment to ask, how the zones are mapped inside the Design space volume? I attached a picture, where you can notice 'best guess' geometry (upper right) doesn't fit to the FSO damage zone output. I wonder which point and reference is taken for Optistruct to start placing the spheres/cubes so I can exactly recreate a respective geometry in advance. In the small table donw left I listed the DTPL values.
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I need to check with experts. I will check and get back to you ASAP!!!
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Thanks for your support!
PS. the reference point to create geometry in shown example is the the CoG of Design Space (which for this particular example is just a bit different from complete model CoG).
PS2. I'm using HM14.
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Hi @Bozydar
I am checking with experts. I will share their feedback with you, as soon as they reply to me.
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Hi @Bozydar
Could you please share the _fso.h3d?
Please use the file transfer link in my signature to share the model file
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Hi @Prakash Pagadala, you should've had recieved the file by now. Let me know if something went wrong with the transfer.
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@Prakash Pagadala (in the mean time while waiting for your response) could you please verify if it is planned for future releases to allow the user to manually create multiple failure scenarios and select group of elements for each scenario (instead of automatic process as it is today)?
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I will forward this to Developers. If there isn't any enhancement request created, I will create one
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Thanks, such option would be incredibly useful!
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@Prakash Pagadala Regarding the original question, how long do you predict it will take for experts to answer the question? Thanks!
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I have just got a response and the team is asking for the input file too. So, could you please share the file?
SOrry for the inconvenience.
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@Prakash Pagadala I'd like to avoid sharing the input file and moreover I'm asking rather a generic question.
I can ask it differently, e.g. how to calculate the 'point of origin' inside the 2D/3D design space, so when understood, I could manually create Damage Zone 'map' in a CAD software and this created 'map' would fit the FE Damage Zones found in the /file_name/_fso.h3d? Please let me know if I you understand what I mean
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