Hyper-Velocity impact
Dear George
I want to know is it possible in radioss to do hyper velocity Impact , i,e projectile traveling with velocity of 1 t0 10 KM/s (kilometer/second). If you have any literature/case studies or anything kindly share with me . I would also like to know from you whether for high velocity impact Hypercrash is good or radioss
Hi Rajeev,
It is possible to simulate high velocity impact using RADIOSS. Some related literatures are available in web. Please find https://static1.squarespace.com/static/56d74e9c4c2f85996d16a562/t/56df3fb12eeb815be937c321/1457471410148/Gattacceca_2010_PEPI.pdf
Please find the features and capabilities of RADIOSS tool at http://resources.altair.com/hyperworks/images/storage/pdfs/HW14_RADIOSS.pdf where you can see that hyper velocity cases is also listed.
HyperCrash is also a pre porcessor like HyperMesh. Only FE modelling can be in done in HC. The model is solved by RADIOSS