Card "FREQUENCY" is not allowed for this subcase type.

Hi to everyone
I am running a non linear quasi static analysis on hypermesh 2017 (optistruct) with contact surfaces
When I run the analysis I get the following error:
*** ERROR # 1461 *** in the input data:
Card 'FREQUENCY' is not allowed for this subcase type.
Can someone help me?
Actually, you don't need to assign 'FREQUENCY' in the loadstep definition for a quasi static analysis . That field is for frequency response analysis.
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Sorry for not explaining myself very well, but the problem is that I haven't assigned any 'FREQUENCY' card, it appears on its own as an error, ergo I didn't put any frequency in the input data but the error says otherwise.
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Could you please share the .out file of the run for quick look?
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this is the .out file of the analysis0 -
Didn't find anything specific from out file.Please check below post where user able to fix this issue by deleting setting files.
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Ok, thank you, I solved from the .fem file deleting the string which contained the frequency card.