Error Running an FEA

I am trying to run an FEA on a truss section. The setup is that it is supported on both sides, with a 937.5 psi load distributed over a 4' by 4' square. After I went through the setup following a tutorial, I tried running it and it gave me the following error. As of now I put a dconstrain on the magdisp, but I'm not sure if that was right. I'd appreciate any help. I have attached the file below.
Messages for the job:
*** ERROR # 1908 ***
Case Control data LOAD=2 is not referenced by any bulk data
relevant for used subcase type.
*** Run terminated because of error(s) in the input data.
HI @nlahiri
Pressure is organized in a wrong load collector and PSHELL card has no thickness.
I have given a thickness of 1 to check and works but results are not meaningful.
Provide the right thickness and run again.
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Is the shell necessary? Can I run an FEA with just a solid? On the video I watched it said to create both. I will try rerunning it at a lower thickness.
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Can you share the video link, please?
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Thanks for the help. I watched this series:
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I changed the thickness again as they did in the video, but it didn't run.
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Not sure about the tutorial and shell elements. But I see that the solid elements are tetras and shells are quads.
This makes no connectivity between shell and solid component.
Also, I see a pressure of 6.5e6 on each node. Which I think is huge. Please check that as well.
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I made the solid and shell both triangles. Would it be possible to do this without the shell?
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Yes, Shells may have used to extract surface stresses.
But analysis should run without shells.
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I think I am missing something, because it still doesn't work even though I removed the shell and changed the pressure.
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Can you check the units of the load and also the model?
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Thanks for all the help. I forgot to reply to this, but I think I was mainly having problems setting it up right.