Multi body dynamics

I am unable to find constant radius analysis, 4 post analysis in Altair motion view. Can anyone tell hoe to import these analysis in altair motion view?
Hello Adit-
Did you build your vehicle using the standard vehicle wizard library? Use analysis -> Task wizard and you will see full choice of events.
Note, if you did not build your model with a powertrain, some of the tasks will not show, since the required logic is not included if you do not include the right systems when you initially build the model using the wizard.
Also, it would be helpful for you to provide information on what version of Motionview you are using. The worfklow has been evolving a little over the past few versions.
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Thanks Chris
Yes , I have imported all systems from BAJA SAE folder in vehicle library.
Can you please tell me how to do constant radius analysis stepwise in Altair Motion View?
I am using Altair Hyperworks 17.0.
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Altair Forum User said:
Thanks Chris
Yes , I have imported all systems from BAJA SAE folder in vehicle library.
Can you please tell me how to do constant radius analysis stepwise in Altair Motion View?
I am using Altair Hyperworks 17.0.
Can you tell how to add MAC PHERSON strut in my vehicle?
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