Shape Optimisation error(y plus value)

I am doing the shape optimization and the solver is running but not as I want.
1.)I want the solver to change the shape at the wall where the two pipes have been joined but it was not doing so. I have attached the screen shot.
2.)I have a confusion. In order to optimize the design by changing the shape ; there needs to be a initial and output condition defined which will be taken under consideration while trying to optimize the design. Is their any way the initial and output conditions (in terms of velocity or inlet and outlet pressure) could be defined from the one which is self calculated by the Acuconsole?
3.) How can I select the y plus value. I have done the analysis without selecting the y plus value, is there any requirement of selecting the y plus value in my analysis.
Hi Swanil.
I am attaching a tutorial AccuSolve coupled with HST for a shape optimization.
Please go through the tutorial.
3) Please explain what do you mean by Y Plus?