fatal error 8006
while doing random analysis i got this error.can u please tell me what is that and how to solve that problem
*** FATAL ERROR # 8006 ***
Data block isubra not in data manager dictionary.
* DATAMANAGER ERROR in subroutine 'locateit'.
A fatal error has been detected during input processing:
*** FATAL ERROR # 8006 ***
Data block isubra not in data manager dictionary.
* DATAMANAGER ERROR in subroutine 'locateit'.
==== End of solver screen output
How many elements are there in your model. There are some limitations with number of elements.
Is it possible to share the model file?
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there are about 3 lakh elements.i will send that in drop box
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i did eigen value analysis with that model only
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I am able to run the file you shared as it is on V14.0.
Can you check if there is enough disk space and RAM available for the analysis?
It would be better if you share your .out file to see what the issue exactly is.
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That is because of input which i corrected to some extent. but there are some warnings. i will attach the output file.can u also tell about the control cards to be used for stress, acce and displacement as output and the formats to be selected. i used global case control and global output request but the .op2 file is in code language.
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You can open .op2 file in HyperView and you can plot the results.
If you want in text ASCII format, you can output results to OPTI format.
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Thankyou very much. Can u pls tell about the warning in output file also.
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Looks like you have requested outputs related to Random response simulation and you have one or more subcases which is not related to Random response.
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Hi prakash,
this is the procedure i followed
1. Created a SPCD load collector in which i gave some nodes as input.
2. Created SPC in which i referenced SPCD by giving constraints at same nodes as spcd
3. Created TABLED1 and then RLOAD2 in which i gave excited as spcd , tb as tabled1 and type as acce
4. Then i gave TABRND1 in which i gave psd.
5.i created freq card also to tell the range the range of frequencies in which solution should work ,here i gave all frequencies mentioned in tabrnd1
6. Here i created loadstep1 with card image DFREQ where i gave spc ,rload2 and freqi .
7.I created RANDPS loadcollector and gave J and K as loadstep1, X=1 and Y =0 , and referenced tabrnd1.
8.then i created loadstep2 with subcase definition of RANDOM and referenced randps.
9.Then i activated control cards global case control and global output request asking acceleration and stress
is this correct??
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Y should be zero when J=K, is it same in your case?
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yes . i gave j as loadstep with DFREQ. i want autocorrelation. what real (x) represent or contribute to??