Circular Polarization in WinProp

Altair Forum User
Altair Forum User
Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A
I have an antenna design with circular polarization, both co- and cross-polarization patterns were designed in CST and I want to test it in an indoor model in WinProp. However, as far as you know, WinProp only takes linear polarization when it performs the propagation testing. Should I just import them as RHCP and LHCP or convert them into theta and phi components instead, however in this case I will lose the 90-degree phase shift between them. 
In fewer words: What is the best way to do circular polarization in WinProp?


  • Reiner_Hoppe
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2018

    So far WinProp can do only linear polarizations. Therefore you better process the theta and phi components in WinProp and combine the results afterwards outside WinProp.Alternative is to process the WinProp .str file include the ray path data (also the transmission matrix) e.g. using a script outside of WinProp.

    The syntax of the .str file is described in the ProMan user manual if you serach for str and includes also the transmission matrix T_vv, T_vh, T_hv, and T_hh.